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World Social Forum

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pan-Amazon Day

After walking thru the UFRA, I finally end up back at the stage where the Indigenous presentions were to take place, and things were finally underway. I use my press credentials to get up the stage where I videotape an Amazonian dance (I'll upload that to youtube when I get a better Internet connection), take pictures of people, and record their speeches. By this time, however, I need to go meet NIGD for lunch, but traffic is such a mess that it takes forever to get there. After lunch we swing by the press building and then head to a Palestinian meeting, but can't find it and by the time we get there it is ending. And then it takes forever to get transportation to get back from the Forum. And finding an internet connection is a continual struggle, which is just going to get worse. But so is the first day of the Forum.

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