Current Events
Rigoberta Menchu
Ethnic Identities

Mayan Nationalism

Source: http://mars.cropsoil.uga.edu/trop-ag/guatem.htm

For our web site we plan to cover the topic of Mayan Nationalism.  We would like to include several items on our page.  First of all we plan to discuss Rigoberta Menchu and her book and the controversy it has caused.  We plan on including web site links for more information about her and her book.  We’d also like to discuss how this connects to Mayan Nationalism.  Also on our page we would like to include information about history of the Mayans, travel locations and accommodations available now, and current events dealing with the Mayans.  Our page will be based on the idea of “then and now” for the Mayans.  We seek to accomplish compiling of information about Mayan Nationalism and to inform others of the conditions and content of the movement and the Mayan culture itself.

Page created AliciaWilliams, Malia MacLaughlin, and Erica Duenow